PS-711 ~Digital Cam with LCD~

PS-711 ~Digital Cam with LCD~

Order codes Leaflet
Notice of end of sales of encoder ECD-01 and request for price revision


PS-711 digital cam with liquid crystal display is designed to compare signals from the rotary encoder installed to the rotating shaft of the press machine with the setting values and to output control signals conforming to the rotary cam.
Similarly to our “PS-701,” the PS-711 has [advance angle function] that compensates delays in operation of the machine, [Timer function] that controls the ON time, [Motion detector function] that monitors rotation signals of the rotary encoder, and so on.
In addition, operability and visibility are advanced with [liquid crystal display] and SSR of all 6CH is common use both AC and DC that achieves better cost-effectiveness.


 ・ Available for using the cam output as well as existing mechanical rotary cam output.
☆ All cam output of CH is SSR which is for both AC and DC.
☆ Contents of setting for all CH are seen at once in the display.
 ・ Enable press machine to be stopped by the motion detector function.
☆ Available to find "start-up time", "SPM", "stop time" and "stop angle" by using MD input.
 ・ Enable flutter to be come under control by the hysteresis function.
 ・ Advance angle function and Timer function.
(☆ : New features added to PS-701)

Description of function

Advance angle function

[Advance angle function] keeps the operating angle constant by compensating delay in operation of the device controlled by cam output.
There is operating time on the controlled device such as cylinder when piston (rod) reaches to the stroke end.
Those devices operate delay when compare to setting angle of cam output depending on press SPM and the operating time.

Delay angle due to the operating time increases continuously with the increasing SPM.

PS-711 calculates the delay angle with the rotation speed and the operating time.
And it keeps operating angle of the device steadily in order to control cam output faster than setting angle by the delay angle that we call advance angle.
For the case of ON operating time is 50ms and OFF operating time is 20ms, the delay angle at 60 SPM is 18°and 7°.
When using advance angle, cam output of ON setting angle change from 150° to 132°and its OFF setting angle change from 180° to 173°.
As a result, the device operates at ON 150°and OFF 180°as well as the setting angle.

Timer function

Timer function is to control OFF timing of cam output by setting the time from ON angle.
For the case of controlling air ejection like ON 350°OFF 30°including T.D.C as below figure, if press machine stop at T.D.C, Air ejection is held ON and then expend air(①).
Using timer function like ON 350°OFF 100ms, enable the air to save at T.D.C. because OFF timing of cam output is 100ms after ON timing(②).

Motion detector function

Motion detector function is to execute [Encoder start detection] and [Encoder Stop detection] by monitoring signals from the rotary encoder when input MD signal (actuation signal of press machine).
Contents of detection are disconnecting of encoder cable, un-standard states of the timing belt or pulley and so on.

When using motion detector function, need to wire actuation signal of press machine to MD input of PS-711.

Time measurement function

It calculates [Start delay time (ms)], [Rotation speed (SPM)], [Stop delay time (ms)] and [Angle (DEG)] by using MD input and signals of the rotary encoder.
It storages up to four data and deletes it from old data.

Common output for both AC and DC

SSR for both AC and DC is equipped on all 6CH for cam output.
Available for load-switching AC75~240V, DC5~24V, 1A and acceptable for various devices.

Liquid crystal display

Available to see ON/OFF for each CH of setting angle, advance angle function and timer function in the primary screen of PS-711.



PS-711 Dimensions



PS-711-CN Dimensions

PS-711-CN Dimensions

Rotary encoder Dimensions

ECD-02A Dimensions


Rotary encoder Dimensions

ECD-01A(Discontinued product) Dimensions


Rotary encoder Dimensions

Back view

PS-711 Back view


 Resolution  360 steps/resolution
 Angle display  000 - 359(1 step)
 Cam (Channels)  6 Channels
 Cam output Cam output is SSR or Open collector for each CH.
 SSR for AV/DC 75-240VAC, 5-24VDC 1A
 Open collector 5-24VDC 100mA
 MD output  Relay 100-240VAC, 5-24VDC 2A
 Maximum speed  1500SPM
 Power source voltage  AC100-240V±10%, 50/60Hz
 Environment  0-55℃, 35-85RH
 Dimensions of
 the body
 170(W)×120(H)×146(D) (excluding projections)
 Weight  2.5kgW(including mounting bracket)
 Standard attachments  Instruction Manual
 Twenty-core cable (5m)
(Twenty-core cable with connector if CN spec.)
 Wire markers (CH1-6 two pieces each)
 Adhesive label
 Option  Need to select below parts by choosing order code.
 Encoder assembly
 Encoder cable
 Timing belt